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🔥Fire door installation and maintenance 🔥🚪 by HMTcarpentry


When it comes to working with doors that need to be or are fire Resisitant wether it is installing a new door or upgrading existing door with maintenance, KNOWLEDGE! and EXPERIENCE! is crucial in making sure the door meets the fire safety requirements to pass inspection, so choosing the correct company to take on any fire door job, needs to be the right choice.

example of routing out a 10mm strip to install the intumescent strips. neat, clean routing out job.


WHY CHOOSE HMTcarpentry?

HMTcarpentry have been installing and maintaining fire doors in homes, offices and schools for over 7 years, we have the knowledge that is needed the skills to make sure the doors fit the criteria and pass the fire inspection survey. We have years of experience working to a blueprint provided by fire officers who have inspected a building and asked us to upgrade the doors so they meet the requirements.




Intumescent fire strips are now legal requirement to have in all doors that are in a communal building , schools , offices they all are required to stop the spread of a fire throughout the building.

FD30— these doors are fire doors that are 44mm thick and have 30mins resistance against a fire spreading through the door, FD60 is the same principle but gives a hour and thickness is greater.

more common is the fd30 fire doors, these need to have the intumescent strips around the sides and tops of every door. intumescent strips are routed into the side of the doors.

We have the skills to do the job efficiently quickly and CORRECTLY! Correct is key to ensuring

HMTcarpentry strive to deliver a service that brings trust and reliability to our clients, we make sure each job is Done correctly as fire can destroy rapidly and vastly so having a company that knows the correct way to be a deterrent to stop fires in our homes and workplace is vital , put your confidence into us and we can provide a service that guarantees success and completion.

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